Welcome to my new blog! I'm excited to let you all know I will be moving and joining my amazing colleagues at South Congress Massage. Negeen Mosley , incredible massage therapist, (and one of my students from long ago at the Star Institute) was an active force in bringing me to this wonderful urban oasis. Thanks Negeen!


We are conveniently located right between Austin Motel and the Turquoise Door II. When you are out and about South Congress you have to come by and say hi, or come in and decompress with a chair or table massage.


I hope you are all enjoying your summer. I've been having a blast adventuring in the neighborhood, hanging out in Krause Springs, traveling with my 13 year old son and eating at the best eateries in and around town. Once you get the kids back in school and come back all tanned from your epic vacation, don't forget to come in for your massage maintenance. I am looking  forward to helping my  friends and family relax and to continue to bring health and wellness in and around Austin.




Niko and the Monkey


Niko loves Art