Luna is now using ozonated jojoba, and coconut oils with her clients. These oils are very detoxifying and cleansing for the skin and body and, are available in rosemary, lavender, grapefruit and coconut rose essential oil blends. These oils are formulated by a massage therapist and also have anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and antibacterial effects. They are now available for purchase at the clinic. You can find out more info about oxygen and ozone therapy at O3 skincare.
"I began using the ozone- oxygenated jojoba for my own daily skin care and discovered that I could no longer go back to non-oxygenated oils. I could feel that my skin drank in the oxygen-jojoba combination and literally began to respond with nourished, glowing, healthful skin. People around me began to notice and comment positively on my skin. That of course led me to sharing oxygenated jojoba with others and they began to experience the benefits as well." - Rima Star, owner of O3 skincare